international moving

Our commercial director of the international department

With more than 15 years of experience in the sector, our head of the International sales department, Daniel, is a key player in the company. His extensive training in languages and his charisma make him a star signing for the multiple conventions we attend in different parts of the world, both those to which […]

How to avoid fraud in a moving company?

At Passer we help you avoid being a victim of fraud when hiring a moving company. In this sector, as in many others, scams can be quite common, through which companies try to take full advantage of their customers. To avoid this situation you should follow these tips: […]

Vehicle transfer

When you have to move, especially when it is an international move, you may have to take the vehicle to your new home. Don't worry, at Passer we also take care of the transfer of your vehicles. As it is a European move that goes by land, we load it and stow it […]

Moving with pets


6 tips to reduce your pet's stress level during a move A move can become more complicated if it is carried out with pets, it is inevitable that the animals can become as stressed or more stressed than the owners. For this reason, at Passer Moving we offer you 5 tips so that […]

Tips for security in your home

Did you know that two out of every three robberies occur at night? Specifically, the police focus them on the time slot from 1 to 4 in the morning. To avoid this and ensure that your home is under maximum security, we recommend that you follow these tips: Always lock […]

How to choose the best office for your company?

At Passer Moving we help you discover which is the best office for your company. We consider that a good workspace greatly influences the productivity of the company, so follow these tips and adapt them to the needs of your business and employees: The location of the office We will start by talking about the […]

Cities with the most job opportunities

Cities with more job opportunities: There are cities in developed countries with a wide variety of job offers and favorable conditions. Can you tell which ones they are? From Passer Moving we show you the 9 cities with the most job opportunities in the world: Stockholm At the top of the list we find Stockholm, it has a high-tech industry […]

Passer's international department

Our International Department is in charge of managing all services that are exported or imported outside our borders, whether it is a transfer to Andorra by road or a move from Melbourne in a maritime container. From the home visit, to the preparation of the budget that best suits the specific needs […]

Move to the suburbs? Or move to the city?

live in the city or on the outskirts

Move to the suburbs? Or move to the city? We know that buying a home is a very difficult and important decision, so we help you make that decision easier and lighter. We must remember that we must carefully consider the distribution, the type of property and of course its location. […]
