international moving

Director of operations


Víctor is the technical reference for the operations department.

He is a person who offers tranquility and calm at the height of the season!

His experience managing teams and his closeness with them ensure optimal, effective and decisive work.

In addition to work, he is very creative. That helps us improve in many aspects. Not only does it give us a different vision when creating new documents and improving the company's image, but it also provides another way of seeing all the problems, a much more attractive way to deal with all the teammates.

His work is one of the pillars that provide quality to our services, but he is also one of the people most involved in Passer. Your opinion is important when making decisions and you are constantly looking for new challenges and improvements in all areas.


Thank you very much Victor!





How to Minimize Office Disruption During a Move

Consejos para Empaquetar y Transportar Documentación Confidencial

¿Alguna vez has tenido que trasladar documentos importantes y temido que se extravíen o caigan en manos equivocadas? La documentación confidencial de una empresa, como contratos, datos financieros y expedientes, requiere un tratamiento especial al empaquetarse y transportarse. Sin un proceso adecuado, podrías enfrentar riesgos de seguridad y pérdida de

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international moving