international moving

What are open offices and what are their advantages.

In this new post we thought we would talk about the open offices, because it is a type of office that our clients increasingly demand from us for their transfers. We will resolve what they are and how they are now having such a boom, in addition to exposing the possible advantages and disadvantages they have.

It is almost a fact that the trend of opting for the design of open offices without space is unstoppable. 

Although it seems that this is a newly created invention, the truth is that this type of distribution began to be tested in the 50s and it is now that large companies, such as Google and Yahoo, and SMEs, such as company, advertising agencies, etc. more and more people are betting on this type of offices, thus making it the paradigm of modern, original, and innovative company with a very clear objective; favor teamwork environments, in addition to not marking ranks, and not setting a fixed position.

If you are thinking about changing offices, you may be interested in this post: Are you going to make an office move? We help you!

In favor of the open offices, we find:

  • An improvement in communication of the company, since they encourage dialogue between employees.
  • It becomes possible a greater circulation of ideas and knowledge is shared more fluidly.
  • They save space.
  • Closely related to the first point, we can highlight that thanks to this distribution the organization, both tasks and spaces.
  • Allows greater surveillance of the work being done.

Against the open offices:

  • May cause distraction, as there is more general noise.
  • The consequence of the first point could be a possible decreased productivity due to multiple interruptions.
  • Lack of privacy.
  • An increase in the competitiveness between employees, thus creating a hostile situation.

As a summary, we can say that the open office option is not the best for all types of companies, and in all types of sectors, that is why it is important to consider what the needs and characteristics of your business are to later decide the type of office that will be effective for the company.

Resolve other doubts that may arise when choosing the new office in this post: How to choose the best office for your company?

If you have opted for the open offices, we offer you several Tips to get the most out of this type of space organization:

  • Even if it is an open office, you can provide it with various spaces, for example lockers where employees can leave their belongings, a rest area, etc.
  • The open office must be for all employees that make up the company, including directors and senior executives.
  • You must look for solutions that reduce environmental noise.
  • If possible, do not make the decision to have an open office to solve the problem of monitoring your employees, as it often provokes negative reactions..
  • You must have spaces for tasks that require privacy such as: meetings, training, client visits, etc.

Finally, we want to highlight that it is a change of both distribution and mentality that can favor the development of your company.

At Passer Moving we have the service of Office transfer and of Workspace management for installations at a local, national or international level. In these services we carry out the transfer and assembly of all furniture, documentation, files, computer equipment and work equipment. Besides We advise you from our experience in the change from a closed office to an open office. Request more information here.




How to Minimize Office Disruption During a Move

Consejos para Empaquetar y Transportar Documentación Confidencial

¿Alguna vez has tenido que trasladar documentos importantes y temido que se extravíen o caigan en manos equivocadas? La documentación confidencial de una empresa, como contratos, datos financieros y expedientes, requiere un tratamiento especial al empaquetarse y transportarse. Sin un proceso adecuado, podrías enfrentar riesgos de seguridad y pérdida de

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international moving