international moving

We launch a Blog!

Passer Moving

Welcome to the Passer Moving blog!

At Passer Moving we are very happy to present the blog of our company dedicated to the local and national moving sector, office transfers and corporate services.
We also offer furniture storage services for individuals and corporate furniture storage.

Our service includes teamwork with extensive experience to protect all your belongings and furniture, thus guaranteeing your safety during the transfer. We also started our new document management service.

In this new section of our website we will talk about news from the sector, advice for individuals and companies and current and interesting articles related to the world of removals, relocation, furniture storage service, document management, etc.

We hope that the contents of this blog are of interest to you, are useful to you and, if so, you will leave us your comments or suggestions and share the content.

We take advantage of this magnificent opportunity to wish you a Happy 2019 and invite you to follow us on social networks LinkedIn:, Facebook: and Instagram:
There you will also find information about us and about the sector in general.

If you want more information about the services we offer, we leave you the links to each of them.

National removalsInternational RemovalsFurniture repositoryCorporate services

Passer Moving




How to Minimize Office Disruption During a Move

Consejos para Empaquetar y Transportar Documentación Confidencial

¿Alguna vez has tenido que trasladar documentos importantes y temido que se extravíen o caigan en manos equivocadas? La documentación confidencial de una empresa, como contratos, datos financieros y expedientes, requiere un tratamiento especial al empaquetarse y transportarse. Sin un proceso adecuado, podrías enfrentar riesgos de seguridad y pérdida de

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international moving