international moving

How to make a backup with a partner to go on vacation?

How to make a backup with a partner to go on vacation?

Most likely before starting your vacation, ask a neighbor or someone you trust to stop by your house from time to time to make sure everything is going well. But What about your office projects? Your colleagues will have to do your tasks while you are away so as not to harm customers. after your departure. For this reason, it is convenient to know how to make a good backup and take advantage of its great advantages.


What is a Backup?

We are talking about some actions that we carry out before enjoying our vacations to make the task easier for our office colleagues. who will take care of our work while we are away.


Tips for making a Backup with a partner

To make an effective backup, everyone's effort is necessary.. Your duty is to transmit your knowledge to others and to do this you must have everything very well organized and planned before leaving. Take note of these tips and use them to adapt your work dynamics to the circumstances.

1.     Set up your email through an automatic response

The office will know when you will go on vacation and how long you will be away, but it is most likely that during this time someone will contact you by email, either because they do not know it or because of an emergency.

Automatic responses are easily configured from our email and will ensure that that person does not wait for a response that will not arrive for days or weeks.. The idea is that an autoresponder pops up every time they want to contact you.

In this message it is advisable to inform that you are on vacation and include some contact emails of colleagues who will be working on those days, as well as a contact telephone number that is available.

2.     Make backup copies

It is very important to make backup copies of all the information that you manage, emphasizing the servers you control each day. It is better to be proactive and schedule maintenance tasks before your vacation period arrives.


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3.     Plan before starting your vacation and delegate functions

The days before your departure make sure you have all your work organized. It is a priority to delegate functions to some of your colleagues and even leave them a document with very precise instructions. so that they are clear. A prior meeting with them will give you peace of mind to clarify doubts when handling your information.

4.     Organize projects so as not to finish them hastily

Make a list of the most urgent issues and resolve them ahead of time to avoid doing things wrong.. The organization is a key factor that It will help you manage the situation so that you don't leave any project undelivered.

If you leave several tasks unresolved, plan very well what to do with them. If they can wait for your return, perfect. If it is not possible, communicate with your colleagues so that they obtain the same result as if you did it yourself.

5.     Make a list of pending tasks

Before leaving to enjoy those well-deserved days of rest, make a list of all the tasks that you will leave pending, specify what status they are in and who will be in charge of each of them.. This document includes all the necessary information so that your colleagues can know where you keep the files and everything related to the project and thus, they can access the information without having to call you..


Making an effective backup will have a positive impact on you, so that no one has to bother you during your days off or in the event of any unforeseen event will make you enjoy the vacation period. It's also good for your colleagues, because that way they can take care of your tasks perfectly without panicking. If you offer your services uninterruptedly, the company will also benefit from this by covering your work and ensuring that your departure does not impact performance.




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