international moving

Teleworking increases and so does moving to the outskirts

moving to the outskirts

Teleworking increases and so does moving to the outskirts


The appearance of a new virus that until recently we barely knew anything about, has made rethink our lives. We are experiencing a period of new changes and transformations, something we are experiencing on a professional and personal level.

On the one hand, we have experienced the increase in teleworking, a new remote work system that many companies, after having tested it, intend to adopt in the long term. On the other hand, people have set their sights on spacious places, close to nature and the outdoors, and living in the center no longer motivates them. That's basically the reason why The number of moves to the outskirts of cities has increased.

Teleworking, the before and after as a result of Covid


Just a few months ago, very few employees had the option of teleworking. However, after living confined by the coronavirus, most of them have had to adapt to the implementation of this hopeless system. Now, what are the results that have been obtained?

Almost all workers who have tried it say that they are equally productive or even more under these conditions, despite the fact that the context has not been very favorable for reconciling work with family life (increased cohabitation and care of minor children).

Be that as it may, scientific evidence has shown that indeed teleworking increases productivity, as long as there are some variables to comply with. Basically, the perfect model is based on an independent worker who manages his time and knows how to handle himself well.

Many employees are satisfied with doing their work from home and would like to continue on the same path when returning to normal. The reasons that would explain this refer to the savings that come with the absence of transfers, he not having to get up so early and a better family balance.

Many companies did not have enough experience to address teleworking efficiently. For this reason, they have had no choice but to make efforts to organize work and reorient their workers. This situation happens adapt computer equipment, train workers and adopt all security measures for remote work.

Despite the increase in teleworking, not all businesses have been able to consider this modality due to not having sufficient resources. In this way, although there is still a long way to go, Remote work has gained momentum and is likely to gradually increase.

If you are currently teleworking, you may be interested in our blog post: Teleworking: the home office

Moves increase when changing residence


The new situation has caused the acceleration of an unusual scenario outside urban centers. The population is considering leaving the heart of their city to have more outdoor space, in an environment whose square meter is also cheaper.

People do not want to give up the city completely, so they consider making transfers to nearby places located less than an hour away. This change in mentality associated with the coronavirus has made the location of the home is no longer so important. After all, there is no longer a need to personalize yourself in stores to buy, or even go to the office to work.

Internet consumption and teleworking have led to an increase in moves by causing many people to decide to live on the outskirts of their city., specifically to areas far from the urban area.

Those who move to the center of a big city do so because they are close to work, to go shopping or enjoy great leisure and restaurant offers. However, many people have realized in times of coronavirus that Living in such a small apartment was not as good an option as it seemed.

The way of thinking is based on quieter environments, at a certain distance from the center, that have garden or terrace to be prepared for a possible next confinement. Without a doubt, a very different life model than a few months ago.

Remember that at Passer Moving we do everything type of removals and office transfers, if you are thinking about moving to the outskirts of your city or even thinking about Change country, we can help you with the moving.



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