international moving

Our commercial director of the international department

With more than 15 years of experience in the sector, our head of the International sales department, Daniel, is a key player in the company.

His extensive training in languages and his charisma make him a star signing for the multiple conventions we attend in different parts of the world, both those that we never miss and for example IAM that this year will be held in Chicago, Young Movers Conference which we attended this year in Bucharest or the Eurovan Meeting in Vienna, among many others.

On several occasions he has been defined as a “magnet”: as soon as he arrives at a convention or event, he is immediately surrounded by colleagues and friends from the sector who know our good work and have trusted us for a long time, and with new contacts with those of us who can begin to collaborate and offer our services.

Daniel also brings peace and simplicity to the office so, despite the typical complications of our sector, which during the high summer season multiply by 10, he is able to stop to breathe and gain strength and breadth of vision, to look for the necessary solutions. If we add that a large part of these problems can occur outside the city, that is, in Luxembourg, Germany, Mallorca, Canada, etc. It's even more fun to hear him speak on the phone in English, then in French, Portuguese or German while managing the operations of our international clients.

At the end of the day, he also always takes time to have a drink with his office colleagues after a long day of work and tell us his countless anecdotes of international moves and transfers that have happened to him throughout his entire career.

For our part, we appreciate the work our colleague does every day!





How to Minimize Office Disruption During a Move

Consejos para Empaquetar y Transportar Documentación Confidencial

¿Alguna vez has tenido que trasladar documentos importantes y temido que se extravíen o caigan en manos equivocadas? La documentación confidencial de una empresa, como contratos, datos financieros y expedientes, requiere un tratamiento especial al empaquetarse y transportarse. Sin un proceso adecuado, podrías enfrentar riesgos de seguridad y pérdida de

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international moving