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Moving Checklist for Families with Children During School Season

Moving for Families with Children

Moving Checklist for Families with Children During School Season

Moving during the school season can be tricky, but with proper planning, it's possible to do so without disrupting your kids' routine. Here's a guide with tips and strategies to make moving during this time as smooth as possible.

Planning and Preparation

The first step is to establish a detailed schedule that includes packing, moving, and unpacking dates, assigning specific tasks to each family member. Maintain constant communication with the school, informing them about the move and requesting assignments in advance to prevent children from missing out on academic content.

Before you move, organize all school supplies. Pack supplies in separate, clearly labeled boxes, and keep essential items like notebooks and pencils in an easily accessible backpack. Involve children in the process by giving them tasks like packing their toys or putting together a box of their favorite items. This will help them feel part of the move.

Moving Day and Arrival at the New Home

During the move, keep children busy with activities or consider leaving them with family or friends so they are not present during the most chaotic times. In the new home, prioritize unpacking children's areas, such as their study area, so they can get back to their routine as soon as possible. Allow them to participate in decorating their spaces so they feel more connected and comfortable in their new environment.

Maintaining School Routine and Additional Support

It is essential to keep study schedules and school routines as consistent as possible during the move. This includes maintaining wake-up times, meal times, and study times to ensure that children feel safe and stable in their new home. Listen to their concerns and offer support in adjusting to the change, while maintaining open communication about their feelings about the move.

Additional Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Plan ahead for moving and back-to-school expenses to avoid unexpected financial setbacks. Hiring professional services like Passermoving can make the process easier, as they will take care of all the details, allowing you to focus on your family's well-being.


Moving during the school season can be a challenge, but with good organization and the right support, it is possible to do so without disrupting the return to school. Follow this checklist to ensure an efficient and stress-free move, and trust the professionals to make the process as easy as possible for you and your family.

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