international moving

How to make your office decoration make your workers more efficient

How to make your office decoration make your workers more efficient

In this new post we will talk to you about the importance of decorating your office and workplaces. 

A study carried out at the University of Exeter, England, reveals that decoration not only serves to beautify the office or to convey some company values, but is also directly related to efficiency of your workers.

In this study we find very revealing data. For example, companies that offer the possibility of having the office or workplace decorated by the employees themselves make them more involved in their tasks, in addition to experiencing an increase in productivity. 45% in work creativity. 

The conclusion of this study is that Productivity can increase by up to 38% and workers' sense of well-being by up to 47%.

If you are thinking of applying these measures, you do not need to consider a total redistribution of your company. There is the possibility of allowing your employees to decorate their own space, that is, the tables or private offices they occupy with furniture, photos, colors, etc., as long as they follow rules and guidelines set by the company itself, for example. example in the color and size of the furniture,

Other ways to organize your company 'What are open offices and what are their advantages'

How to achieve greater business productivity?

In the study we find some tips and essential elements to improve business productivity.

  • The plants

According to the study, one of the most important elements that should be part of your company's decoration are
natural plants.

An office with plants can increase productivity among its employees by 15%.

You can use the ones that you see most suitable for the decoration of your office, but the ones that stand out as being most beneficial would be: the bamboo palm, the chrysanthemum and finally the gerberas.

  • The light

An essential element in every office or professional office is
the light.

It manages to recharge employees with vitality. Thanks to natural light, employees take on their tasks with greater vitality, which is why many offices opt for large windows without curtains, in addition to strategically locating workstations so that they receive direct light.

In the event that your office cannot have the possibility of having this option, the best solution is to create a break schedule so that workers can go out to rest in an area with natural light.

  • The furniture


As we have already mentioned before, it is very important that employees are participants in the choice of furniture.

The employee can make decisions such as, for example, which is the ideal chair that will adapt to their 100% needs, in this way their work day will gain comfort.

If you are thinking about redecorating your office and need advice and advice, Passer Moving puts its service at your disposal. Space management, we carry out the assembly of the furniture, and the transfer of documentation, files, computer equipment and all work equipment. If you need more information you can contact us by clicking hereYes and without obligation we will inform you.

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international moving