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How documents are classified in a company

How documents are classified in a company 

The use and supports of the documents that companies use today are obviously not the same as 40 years ago. The modality of these supports has been changing, we have gone from archiving documentation on paper to document management digitally. All this evolution logically comes hand in hand with technology.

However, the general concept of document and/or documentation is applicable to both digital and physical documentation and is summarized in that they are writings that approve or accredit something, for example: contracts, reports, invoices, receipts, budgets, etc. And there are many companies that today have part of their documentation in digital format but still need to keep many documents in paper format.


Classify according to criteria


  • The organization of documents

The objective of keeping all documents well organized is quite clear, to be able to access them quickly and effectively to be able to consult the information we need and guarantee their correct conservation. 

If we delve a little deeper, we see that it has many more aspects to take into account and that within the organization we can make a distinction between two concepts: sort out and order.

  • Classification of files and documents

To classify correctly we have to group documents according to their content and formIn the case of a company we can distinguish between: delivery notes, receipts, commercial offers, customer lists, etc. and it is most advisable that we follow a hierarchical and logical structure.


EITHERorganize file documentation according to classification types


  • Functional: In this type of classification we group documents according to the activities of which they are the result. Here we find, for example, employee contracts, project planning for clients, etc.
  • Organic: If the classification is organic, we will group the documents following the different administrative structures of the company. In this group we separate the documents according to the departmental organization of the company, for example: the documentation of the administration department, human resources, etc.
  • By subject: For this type of classification we will analyze the documents and establish groups according to the subjects. We differentiate between invoices, budgets, contracts, etc.


Within the files and regardless of their classification type, we can classify the documents, among others:

  • Money: We organize the documents by entities. For example, by banking entities.
  • series: Within the funds, this distinction refers to repeated activities. For example, within each banking entity: receipts, invoices, statements, etc.
  • Files: This group within the series refers to documents with the same subject. 
  • Loose documents


-Arrangement of files and documents

We want to have all the files and documents well organized, so in addition to correctly classifying the documents, we also have to organize the documents based on criteria established in advance.

We are going to explain the different sorting methods:

  • Chronological order: The most logical ordering is from oldest to most recent, separating years, months and days. 
  • Alphabetical arrangement: The order of these documents follows the letters of the alphabet and is usually applied to documents related to people, companies and places.
  • Numerical ordering: This type of sorting is applied when the documents have an associated tracking number. 
  • Sorting by concepts: Not so common in companies, but a very useful type of organization for correspondence.



At Passer Moving document management we are specialists and we have the capacity and experience to provide our clients with all the services necessary for the correct management of their documentation, we offer document management services banking entities, notaries, law firms, insurance brokerages among others. If you need more information about our services click on this link.



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Consejos para Empaquetar y Transportar Documentación Confidencial

¿Alguna vez has tenido que trasladar documentos importantes y temido que se extravíen o caigan en manos equivocadas? La documentación confidencial de una empresa, como contratos, datos financieros y expedientes, requiere un tratamiento especial al empaquetarse y transportarse. Sin un proceso adecuado, podrías enfrentar riesgos de seguridad y pérdida de

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international moving